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Saturday 24 August 2013

Apple and Newton's Theory!

It is famously asserted that when the great English Physicist and Mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton was once sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on him. Falling of apples is not an uncommon thing and many people might have encountered this "accident" over centuries. But this particular incident spurred Sir Isaac into action and he discovered the forces of Gravity.

He quoted : "Anything that goes up, must come down"and this quotation of his has become a Universal Truth, quite literarily. In all the spheres of life, be it Social, Technological, Economic or Political, this quotation is correct to the "T".

1) Social- Social upheavals have been a common phenomenon from time immemorial. The Incas, the Mayans and the other American Indian tribes, the undisputed overlords of the Americas, are now limited to certain reservations and pockets in their own homeland. Closer home, the once unconceivable obsolescence of the caste system is in progress. In many Indian states, the supposedly upper castes are now being governed and lead by leaders from the lower castes. In the mad melee for job reservations and quotas, the upper castes have also upped the ante demanding reservations for their own.

2) Technological- Kodak was once the undisputed "king" of the photography landscape. It was synonymous with a camera. Come 2013, it has been a year since it filed for bankruptcy. In the age of digital cameras, the photo pioneer got spectacularly left behind.

3) Economic- Economies have risen and fallen like pins in a bowling alley throughout history. First the greatest economies in the world like India and China crumbled under the onslaught of the colonial powers and the British empire emerged as the beacon of economic light for the entire world. Then the British empire gave way to the Superpowers like USA and USSR and now the world is again looking towards India and China, a perfect complete circle this.. 

4) Political- Corrupt regimes have been overthrown in places like Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. The autocrats who ruled these countries with an iron fist, saw their autocracies come crashing down like a pack of cards in the wake of massive public outcry and mass movements.

All fellow members of Blue Caramel should bear a fact in mind that "There is nothing stronger than Time" and if you go up in life the only things that can keep you up there from the various spheres of life are Tolerance for others (Social), Innovativeness (Technology), Managerial skills (Economic) and Honesty and truthfulness in dealings (Political). 

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