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Monday 20 May 2013

The Open Mouth!

Most of the problems that we encounter in our daily life, it seems emanate from the huge amount of noise that most of us are able to create day in and day out. Oratory, rhetoric are good but foot in mouth disease that handicap people, is spreading like an epidemic. The problem is that people get so carried away bragging and trying to impress upon others without actually listening to the other person's view that they create enormous difficulties in their lives, both professional as well as personal.

An old Indian quote says that a word from the mouth and an arrow from a bow, once shot cannot be recalled, hence people should be very mindful of what they are saying. Alas, in today's fast paced materialistic world, time is at a premium and people are getting into a habit of speaking without thinking, trying to cover up their short comings.

It is said that a lie travels half the world while the truth is just pulling up its socks. If nature had wanted us to be more talkative and less attentive, then we would not have been bestowed with one mouth and two ears but the "Open Mouth" has resulted in a world of deception, deceit and duper y. A small lie leads to more lies which become bigger and bigger overtime and finally leads to doom and destruction.

What all members of Blue Caramel need to realize is that you can fool some of the people, some of the time, all of of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, be it your professional colleagues, friends or family!

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