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Friday 13 April 2012

Live the moment!

With the approach of the second week of April, the offices of Blue Caramel at all the locations are now all geared up to face the challenges that have been given to them for this financial year. The yearly targets have all been set and sent and huge possibilities of enhanced earnings and growth have been rolled out. Its now for each Blue Carameler to decide how much to earn and how much to grow in this Fin Year.
During the course of the development of the Blue Caramel group, there have been many situations, some good, some bad and some ugly, but each situation has been taken by the company in its stride. Similar is the case with all the members of the Blue Caramel family. There have been off days and there have been days to cherish. But the crux of the matter has been that the company and its members have surged ahead despite many hurdles. So, whenever you are angry, upset, feel cheated, lonely or sad, you have to realize the fact that "This Moment is Not Permanent in Life"  and that by brooding over things or by creating negative feelings about certain things in life, we are but destroying some precious moments of this wonderful life that we envisage to live fully.

So, lets live the moment and cherish all that we have and try to build a better tomorrow for ourselves but not at the cost of today. Lets learn from the past, enjoy a great "Present" ie today and strive to have a peaceful, happy and prosperous future. Let us all, the members of Blue Caramel, learn from what we have done or not done in the past, live our dreams today and enjoy a super successful tomorrow! And the time starts now-----

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