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Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Sacrificial Lamb!

The last 2 days at the Blue Caramel Office, Udaipur have seen some very constructive interactions during the "Siesta" discussions. These series of discussions that we have at the office, are an outcome of 2 factors, first being an urge in each Blue Carameler to brush up her/his spoken English language and the second being, to gainfully utilize the time that is gifted to us- the public, by the government on account of  "load shedding", the scheduled electricity/power cuts.

If yesterday's discussion was on "The twisted tail of a dog remains twisted", then today's deliberations were on "The Sacrificial Lamb". These discussions in a way, symbolically, help each Blue Carameler to try to come up with solutions to problems, that they might otherwise be reluctant to come out with. 

A classic case of this was seen today, when during the course of our discussion on the Sacrificial Lamb, it was unanimously agreed that a Sacrificial Lamb would always be a person, who has nothing of value on offer for the other entity that is sacrificing it. Putting it into an organisational context, the person who is not productive for a company will more often that none find himself enacting the Sacrificial Lamb.
 So, the unspoken oath that every Blue Carameler took today was to see to it that every one becomes productive for the company in a way that Blue Caramel never has to seek out a "Sacrificial Lamb" ever. 

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